General Disclaimer

The account information contained within this web site is generated from computerized records maintained by City of Kenton. While every effort is made to assure the data is accurate and current, it must be accepted and used by the recipient with the understanding that no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, reliability or suitability of this data have been made. City of Kenton, their agents, and the developers of this web site assume no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of the data contained herein. To E-File, you will need an account number. To obtain your account number, please contact the tax office at (419) 673-1355 or send an email to

Digital copies (PDF, JPG or TIF) of all applicable return forms are accepted, such as: Federal Form 1040, Form W2, 1099, K-1 and Schedule C, E, F. Upon completion of the return, you will receive a confirmation email indication your return was successfully e-filed. Extensions to the file are not extension of time to pay, if an extension has been granted by the IRS, it will be honored by the City of Kenton. If your tax liability (after credits) is anticipated to be greater than $200, you are required to make quarterly estimated payments. You can file jointly with the City of Kenton even if you filed separately for the IRS. There is no advantage to filing separately at the municipal level and it would greatly help us to process returns more expediently and more efficiently. Additionally, you cannot e-file an individual return if an individual is trying to take Federal Form 2106 buisness expenses against employee wages. In the rare situation that you qualify for these expenses at the federal level, please contact our office on how to properly complete a paper return.